for child aged 5-12 years old
trial class open for application!

Hong Kong Handbell Academy
日期:2025年 1月11日
enjoy ringing in your leisure time!
Adult Handbell Trial course

Hong Kong Handbell Academy
成人手鈴體驗工作坊 農曆新年系列
Course:B:日期:2025年2月8日、15日、22日 (六)
Price:早鳥優惠 $784

Welcome to the handbell world
Hong Kong Handbell Academy (HKHA) is the first Hong Kong based handbell resource and training center and established in 2004 by the experienced handbell expert Ms. Emily Li.
HKHA is aimed to promote handbell music and raise its recognition among local community as a form a performing art with educational value, through professional training and performing. Besides, HKHA is the only organization owns complete 7 octave set handbell & 6 octave set handchime instruments in Hong Kong.
HKHA is the EXCLUSIVE Distributor of Schulmerich LLC within Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.
Contact Us
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